
UGLA ERP for manufacturing offers specialized solutions designed to optimize and automate all aspects of the manufacturing process.

Craft Manufacturing Industrial Manufacturing Mass Production Batch Production Continuous Production Defense Manufacturing
Tools You Will Receive:
Unified Information System
Automation - With built-in automation tools, UGLA simplifies and accelerates routine operations such as planning, order processing, logistics, personnel management, work schedule planning, and employee development.
Analytics and Reporting - Integrated analytical tools and artificial intelligence enable well-informed management decisions based on accurate and up-to-date information. This includes accounting, financial control, and analytics.
Supply Chain and Production Management - This covers forecasting, procurement, warehouse management, and logistics. It also includes planning, production control, quality control, and the optimization of production processes.
Technological Map
Raw Materials and Materials - The system automatically tracks inventory levels of raw materials and materials in stock, forecasts procurement needs based on past orders and production plans. It allows tracking the use of raw materials for each batch of products.
Staff - Tracking of working hours and labor costs for the production of each product. Planning of employees' working hours in production based on order volumes and deadlines.
Inventory and Equipment - Monitoring and accounting of equipment and inventory usage. Planning and support for regular maintenance of equipment.
Quality Control - Tracking the quality of raw materials and finished products at every stage of production. Data collection and analysis for process improvement.
Warehouse Management
Goods Receipt - The system automates the process of receiving large volumes of goods, using barcode and QR code scanning for quick and accurate registration of receipts. The system also performs automatic conformity checks and quality control.
Storage - The system ensures efficient warehouse management, including determining optimal storage locations, using shelving systems, automatically updating inventory levels, and tracking batches.
Inventory - The ERP system allows for regular inventory checks, using barcode scanning for quick and accurate stocktaking. The system also automatically updates inventory data after each inventory check.
Supplier Management
Efficient Procurement Management - The system optimizes the procurement process, using data from previous sales and demand forecasts to plan orders. It helps create and send orders to suppliers, taking into account seasonal needs and specific requirements.
Supply Tracking - The ERP system provides full control over supplies, using order tracking tools and notifications of any delays or issues. The system also integrates with logistics services for precise monitoring of goods movement.
Supplier Evaluation - UGLA allows for regular evaluation of suppliers based on performance indicators such as price, quality, and timely delivery. The system generates reports and provides recommendations for improving cooperation or changing suppliers.
Codeless programming. You can easily master the UGLA platform using visual prompts.
An automation tool for analytics transforms analytical reports from exclusive information of the finance department into a tool accessible to everyone with just a few clicks, relieving the burden on analysts and making data analysis more accessible for everyone in the company.
The full spectrum of analytical tools. Creation and automatic generation of accounting reports.
Built-in chat is an integral part of the program, not an external service, meaning that company information is confidential, stored on the same servers as all data, and protected 24/7.
With dashboard system you have real-time 360° view of a company's activity, streamline & optimize business processes, online control financial results and all the indicators. Moreover, due to the intelligent reminder system you'll be able to react fastly on any changes.
Customized access rights configuration to modules individually, setting restrictions for each user segment.
Optimization of customer communication, integration with CRM, card-based registration system with key data.
Using this module, you will be able to efficiently manage and analyze customer information, interact with them, and improve service processes.
Efficient procurement organization, transparent pricing, and selection of profitability strategies.
The production module enables businesses to ensure optimal coordination and efficiency in manufacturing processes, thereby contributing to increased productivity and product quality.
Convenient registry of contract templates for any purpose and automation of document workflow.
Ability to assign tasks, specifying responsible parties, deadlines, etc. Track results and completion time.
Module for supplier, contractor, and client relationship management. Real-time updates on order statuses and locations. Counterparties can efficiently share current information via tokens sent through messengers, email, or other channels.
Effective tools for promoting the brand, products, and services. Automation of marketing functions.
Employee Cabinet, displaying: personal information, work schedule, salary, overtime days, accrued and used vacation days, available and used sick leave, personal training plan.
Automation of personnel recruitment, adaptation, and training management. Formation of the staffing schedule.
Enterprise Activity Planning. Real-time Analysis and Adjustment of Results.
Payment Calendar. Capability to manage payment schedules with suppliers, contractors, and employees.
Overview and control of the entire project lifecycle and all its stages. Efficient planning, financial control, and resource management.
Capability to consolidate all legal profiles of the holding within a single program.
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